Graduate Courses



Strategic Management of Technology (기술경영전략론)

This is a graduate seminar taught from a strategic management perspective. This course provides theoretical and empirical fundamentals for students aiming to do the research in technology management area. This course explores elements of technological innovation that underpin the attainment, reinforcement and erosion of competitive advantage. We will use different theoretical perspectives (IO, evolutionary economics, TCE, networks, population ecology, and etc.) to explore the impact of technological innovation on the conduct and performance of firms as well as the industries in which these firms operate. The emphasis of the course will be on writing, rather than criticizing published articles. Consequently, we will spend most of the time helping students identify interesting questions, finding out who has explored related questions, and how best to approach them. The potential for performing research in technological innovation with a strategy point of view and getting it published is huge for two reasons. First, some of the theoretical perspectives that have been used to explore general strategy questions have not been explicitly applied to technological innovation, thus leaving huge opportunities for future research. Second, every product that we use today was a technological innovation at one point, thereby offering many targets for exploring different questions.


Analysis on Technology and Strategy (기술전략분석론)

The course provides students with a general background to conducting research on technology management field. The emphasis is a general approach to the development and testing of theories. The topics we cover here stem from changing organizational structures, complex environmental conditions, new technological developments, and achieving innovation and its management. The main purpose of the course is to introduce samples of these literatures to students so that they can identify strategic issues on these topics through in-depth paper review and discussion. By the end of the term, students will be prepared to approach technology management field in an analytically and theoretically grounded way. The course first considers well-known technology management and innovation issues. We then consider these issues in the context of different modes of empirical research. We explore various empirical models and the procedure how they are implemented in selected academic papers. Consequently, we will focus on helping students to identify interesting research questions and to write term paper. Students will find out who has explored related questions, and how best to approach them through weekly sessions.


Strategy and Practice of Firm Innovation (기술혁신의 이론과 실제)

This course is an introductory class designed for students who are interested in firm-level innovation and strategic management fields but lack previous related study experience. The goal of this class is to provide a basic understanding of the relevant issues through lectures and discussions. Furthermore, in addition to using textbooks and academic papers, this course uses a variety of other materials such as HBS cases to help students grasp the basic and practical knowledge of technology innovation management. The main topics covered in this course include innovation theory, organizational learning, industrial organization analysis, competitive advantage, diversification, alliances and M&As, and network theory.