Publications – International


with S. Joseph Yoon and Gil S. Jo, ‘Exploratory Innovation through Gaining Knowledge from Alliance Portfolio: Interplay between Network Structure and Knowledge Composition’,
International Journal of Innovation Management, 126(7), pp. 2250053, 2022 
with Doohee Chung and Marco Jinhwan Kim, ‘Influence of alliance portfolio diversity on innovation performance: the role of internal capabilities of value creation’,
Review of Managerial Science, 13.5, pp. 1093-1120, 2019 
with John Han, Klaus Marhold and S. Shin, ‘Human Resources in Technological M&As: Target Firm Inventors’ post-M&A Organizational Context’,
Academy of Management Proceedings, pp. 13784, 2018 
with Simon U. Lee and Gunno Park, ‘The double-edged effects of the corporate venture capital unit’s structural autonomy on corporate investors’ explorative and exploitative innovation’,
Journal of Business Research, 88, pp. 141-149, 2018 
with Chigu Kim and Chul Lee, ‘Determinants of Firm’s Innovation-Related External Knowledge Search Strategy: The Role of Potential Absorbtive Capacity and Appropriability Regime’,
International Journal of Innovation Management, 22(4), 2018 
with Doohee Chung and Theresa S. Cho, ‘The linkage between TMT knowledge diversity and firm-level innovation: the role of organisational search scope and managerial discretion’,
International Journal of Technology Management, 78(3), pp. 208-233, 2018 
with John Han and Klaus Marhold, ‘Technological M&A for Core Technology Change: A Feasible Strategy for Incumbent Firms to Overcome the Challenges in the Steel Industry’,
BHM Berg- und Hüttenmännische Monatshefte, 162(9), pp. 397–399, 2017 
with S.Joseph Yoon, Klaus Marhold, ‘Linking the firm’s knowledge network and subsequent exploratory innovation: a study based on semiconductor industry patent data’,
Innovation: Organization & Management, 19(4), pp. 463-482, 2017 
with S. Shin, John Han and Klaus Marhold, ‘Reconfiguring the Firm’s Core Technological Portfolio through Open Innovation: Focusing on Technological M&A’,
Journal of Knowledge Management (Special Issue), 21(3), pp. 571-591, 2017 
with Chul Lee, Gunno Park and Klaus Marhold, ‘Top management team’s innovation-related characteristics and the firm’s explorative R&D: an analysis based on patent data’,
Scientometrics, 111(2), pp.639-663, 2017 
with Klaus Marhold and Marco JinHwan Kim, ‘The Effects of Alliance Portfolio Diversity on Innovation Performance: A Study of Partner and Alliance Characteristics in the Bio-Pharmaceutical Industry’,
International Journal of Innovation Management, 21(1), 2017 
with Sunny Hahn, ‘Complementary or Conflictory?: The Effects of Composition of the Syndicate on Venture Capital-backed IPOs in the U.S. Stock Market’,
Economia e Politiaca Industriale (Special Issue), 44(1), pp. 77–102, 2017 
with Klaus Marhold, ‘The Effects of Internal Technological Diversity and External Uncertainty on Technological Alliance Portfolio Diversity’,
Industry and Innovation, 24(2), pp. 122-142, 2017 
with John Han and Gil S. Jo, ‘Is High Quality Knowledge Always Beneficial? Knowledge Overlap and Innovation Performance in Technological M&As’,
Journal of Management and Organization, 35, pp. 1-21, 2016 
with Bangsil Esther Lee, ‘Power of Peripheral Innovations – A Case Study of Amorepacific’s Cushion’,
Research Technology Management, 59(4), pp. 21-29, 2016 
(Lead Article)
with Chul Lee and Gunno Park, ‘The Impact of Convergence between Science and Technology on Innovation’,
Journal of Technology Transfer, 41(4), pp. 508-530, 2016 
with Gil S. Jo and Gunno Park, ‘Unraveling the Link between Technological M&A and Innovation Performance Using the Concept of Relative Absorptive Capacity’,
Asian Journal of Technology Innovation, 24(1), pp. 55-76, 2016 
with S. Hwan Song and Marco JinHwan Kim, ‘The Effects of Ambidextrous Alliances on Product Innovation’,
Journal of Global Scholars of Marketing Science, 26(1), pp. 4-18, 2016 
(An earlier version received Korean Scholars of Marketing Science Doctoral Colloquium ‘Premier’ Award)
with Simon U. Lee, ‘Technological Diversification Through Corporate Venture Capital Investments: Creating Various Options to Strengthen Dynamic Capabilities’,
Industry and Innovation, 22(5), pp. 349-374, 2015 
(Lead Article)
with Marco JinHwan Kim and Gunno Park, ‘Two-sided Effects of Embeddedness in Alliance Portfolios’,
International Journal of Innovation Management, 19(4), 2015 
with Ki H. Kang and Gil S. Jo, ‘External Technology Acquisition: A Double-Edged Sword’,
Asian Journal of Technology Innovation, 23(2), pp. 35-52, 2015 
(AJTI’s Most Read Article of All Time & an earlier version received the International Associations for Management of Technology (IAMOT) Best Student Paper Award)
with Gunno Park and Marco JinHwan Kim, ‘Competitive Embeddedness: The Impact of Competitive Relations among a Firm’s Current Alliance Partners on its New Alliance Formations’,
International Business Review, 24(2), pp.196-208, 2015 
with Ki H. Kang, ‘Do External Knowledge Sourcing Modes Matter for Service Innovation? Empirical Evidence from South Korean Service Firms’,
Journal of Product Innovation Management, 31(1), pp.176-191, 2014 
with Gunno Park,Alliance Addiction: Do Alliances Create Real Benefits?,
Creativity and Innovation Management, 22(1), pp.53-66, 2013 
(Selected CIM’s 2013 Tudor Rickards and Susan Moger Best Paper Award runner-up paper)
with Gunno Park, ‘Entry Conditions Firm Strategies and Their Relationships to the Innovation Performance of an Emerging Green Industry: The Case of the Solar Cell Industry’,
Asian Journal of Technology Innovation, 18(2), pp.21-42, 2010 
(AJTI’s the Most Read Article of All Time & An earlier version received Korean Academy of Marketing Science Best Conference Paper Award)
with Ki H. Kang, ‘Does Partner Type Matter in R&D Collaboration for Product Innovation?’,
Technology Analysis and Strategic Management, 22(8), pp.945-959, 2010 
with Mooweon Rhee and Ki H. Kang, ‘Revisiting Knowledge Transfer: Effects of Knowledge Characteristics on Organizational Effort for Knowledge Transfer’,
Expert Systems with Applications, 37(12), pp.8155-8160, 2010 
with Allan Afuah, ‘Profiting from Innovations: The Role of New Game Strategies in the Case of Lipitor of the US Pharmaceutical Industry’,
R&D Management, 40(2), pp.124-137, 2010 
with Gunno Park, ‘The Effects of Teacher Firms’ Characteristics and Student Firms’ Absorptive Capacity on Firm Performance in Technology Alliances’,
International Journal of Innovation Management, 13(3), pp.393-409, 2009 
with Ki H. Kang, ‘How Do Firms Source External Knowledge for Innovation? Analyzing Effects of Different Knowledge Sourcing Methods’,
International Journal of Innovation Management, 13(1), pp.1-17, 2009 
with Marvin Lieberman, ‘How to Measure Company Productivity Using Value-Added: A Focus on Pohang Steel (POSCO)’,
Asia Pacific Journal of Management, 25(2), pp.209-224, 2008 
‘Testing Impact of Knowledge Characteristics and Relationship Ties on Project Performance’,
Journal of Knowledge Management, 11(3), pp.126-144, 2007