Conferences – Domestic

with H. Kong and J. Lee, ‘Organizational Search and R&D Investment: The Moderating Roles of Pay Policy at TMT Group, Pay Dispersion and Long-Term Incentive’, Korea Society of Strategic Management, Convergence Conference, August 2020.
with K. Kim, ‘Social Network, Knowledge Network, and R&D Researchers’ Exploratory Innovation in Technological Mergers’, Korea Society for Innovation Management & Economics, Winter Conference, 2019.
with Miona Aleksic, Seungryul Ryan Shin and Klaus Marhold, ‘ Entrepreneurs’ pre-venture experience and the performance of their technology-based ventures: the moderating role of motivation and venture innovativeness’, Korea Society of Strategic Management, Spring Conference, 2018.
with S.Ryan Shin, John Han and Klaus Marhold, ‘Overlapped inventors in technological M&As: the role of their retention on the firm’s post-M&A innovation rates and impact’, Korean Academic Society of Business Administration Conference, Gwangju, 2017
with Hanbeen Lee, ‘Enhancing the value of innovation using new knowledge: From the perspective of knowledge network’, Korean Academic Society of Business Administration Conference, Gwangju, 2017
with Young. S. Ham, ‘How the target inventor’s knowledge network characteristics affect the post-M&A innovation performance’, Korean Academic Society of Business Administration Conference, Gwangju, 2017
with Simon U. Lee, Gunno Park and Klaus Marhold, ‘Organizational Determinants of Corporate Venture Capital’s Portfolio Diversification: The Roles of TMT Homogeneity, Organizational Slack, and Structural Autonomy’, 한국전략경영학회, 춘계학술대회, 2017
with Simon U. Lee, Gunno Park and Klaus Marhold, ‘Obstacles to Corporate Venture Capital’s Technological Portfolio Diversity: Moderating Role of Structural Autonomy on CV Unit’, 기술경영경제학회, 경영관련통합학술대회, 2016
with Chul Lee and Klaus Marhold, ‘Top Management Team Characteristics, Organizational Slack and the Direction of the Organization’s R&D Activity’, 한국전략경영학회, 춘계학술대회, 2016
with S.Ryan Shin and John Han, ‘Uncovering the Firm Characteristics of Technological M&A Success: What Makes Acquirer Firms Benefit from Unrelated Knowledge?’, 기술경영경제학회, 동계학술대회, 2016
with EJ Jung, ‘조직 구성원의 조직 내 인사이동이 조직 학습에 미치는 영향 연구’, 기술경영경제학회, 추계학술대회, 2015
with Klaus Marhold, ‘Internal and External Determinants of Alliance Portfolio Diversity’, 기술경영경제학회, 하계학술대회, 2015
with Sunny Hahn, ‘Strategic Determinants of Corporate Venture Capital Partner Selection and their Impact on Syndicate Formation.’ 한국전략경영학회, 춘계학술대회, 2015
with John Han and Gil S. Jo, Reinterpretation of the Effects on Technological Overlap in Technological M&A, 기술경영경제학회, 동계학술대회, 2015
with Gil S. Jo, Alliance Portfolios and Firm Performance: Based on the Effects of Resources and Bargaining Power, 한국전략경영학회, 추계학술대회, 2014
With Chul Lee and Klaus Marhold, 전략적 제휴와 특허 인용 네트워크의 동시적 분석, 한국경영과학회, 경영관련통합학술대회, 2013
With Chul Lee, Research on the Impact of Knowledge Relationship to the Innovation Performance of Strategic Alliance: Focusing on the High-Tech Industry, 기술경영경제학회, 추계학술대회, 2012
With Gil S. Jo and Gunno Park, Understanding the Rationale of Strategic Technological M&A: the Effect of Inter-firm Difference, 한국전략경영학회, 춘계학술대회, 2012
With Kyan Quac and Gunno Park, External Technological Knowledge Sourcing through Knowledge Search and Transfer Stage: Focus on M&A and Alliance, 한국전략경영학회, 하계경영통합학술대회, 2011
With Seungchul Choi and Ki H. Kang, How Does Knowledge Breadth and Depth Moderate Alliance Intensity on Innovation Performance?, 기술경영경제학회, 하계경영통합학술대회, 2011
With Gunno Park, Impact of Alliance Experience on Future Alliance Formations and Internal R&D Capabilities, 한국전략경영학회, 춘계학술대회, 2011
With Gil S. Jo, Does Human Resources Allocation Matter in Post-Merger and Acquisition Innovative Performance? 기술경영경제학회, 동계학술대회, 2011
With Jinseok Hwang, What is Important to Increase Open Platform Adoption?: Model from 2X2 Game Reflecting Network Externalities, 기술경영경제학회, 동계학술대회, 2011
With Ki H. Kang, Dynamic Knowledge Transfer Through Dyadic R&D Networks, 한국전략경영학회, 하계통합학술대회, 2010
With Gunno Park, Effects of Initial Conditions on Firm Growth: Solar Cell Industry, 한국전략경영학회, 하계통합학술대회, 2009
With Ki H. Kang, R&D Collaboration Partner Selection and Technology Innovation Performance, 한국전략경영학회, 춘계학술대회, 2009
With Gunno Park, The effects of partner characteristics and absorptive capacity on innovation performance in technology alliance, 한국경영과학회, 2008
MS Engineering/MBA, Professional Meng/MBA 프로그램의 해외현황 및 국내 도입 가능성과 사례, 한국경영학회, 춘계심포지엄, 2007
Beyond Imitability and Complementary Assets: The Role of New Game Strategy in the Positioning of Firms to Profit from Innovation, 한국전략경영학회, 춘계학술대회, 2006